Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hooray for Patterns!

I'm going to start this blog the way all knitters should...with free patterns! So to begin, here's a pattern I wrote for a sweater. The picture shown uses Lion Brand Chenille Thick and Quick, which looks pretty but unfortunately doesn't last very long and is a bit of a pain to work with. You might want to try a different yarn.

Chenille Sweater

8 sts + 16 rows = 4" worked in seed stitch

Needles size 11

Lion Brand Chenille Thick and Quick in Royal Blue (4 skeins)

With straight knitting needles, cast on 35 sts. Work back and forth in seed st for 40 rows.

Shape armholes: Keeping to pat, dec 1 st each end every other row 3 times - 29 sts. Continue in seed , slipping the first st of every row for 5 more rows.

Shape neck: Keeping to pattern, work 11 sts, join new ball of yarn and work center 7 sts and place on a holder for neck, work rem sts. Working both sides at the same time, bind off at each neck edge at beg of every other row 3 sts once, then 2 sts once, then 1 st once -- 5 sts rem each side. Bind off.

Work same as Back.


CO 18 sts, work in seed, inc by 8 sts over 52 rows (2 st every 14 rows). Then knit 4 more rows even to end with 26 sts and 56 rows

Shape cap:

BO 2 sts each end (2 times)

K2tog each end every row (5 times)

End, BO 8 sts


Weave in ends. Sew shoulder and side seams, then attach sleeves.


Beginning at left shoulder with a new skein, pick up and knit one st for every st along the neck, including those on holders. Working next round in seed, M2 every 10 sts. Work even until skein is used up. Bind off.

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